Talk about the importance of God to man seems foolish if we do not establish certain premises that help sustain a substantial argument. We must not forget that the question seeks to a conclusion and this requires several considerations.

The point of view that I will develop dispenses with religion, I will not count with classic resources that come from this worldview since my biggest desire is to unwrap adjusted to a judgement of reason.

Route of the reason that I choose, the first question is whether or not there is the object on which I am going to discuss. Does God exist? The response should be positive if I want to continue, otherwise here would end this attempt. I know an answer and I should be able to defend it if it ignites a controversy. If, I know a positive response, it is the same one that I proposed some time ago already in this blog with the same title.

Is that God exists, note the reader that I don't say "I think". I say it because I am consistent with the argument that I propose in that article that I consider it to be convincing. More still, relied on the kindness of his theoretical Assembly, I assume that I have the safe-conduct to go forward.

There are two issues that collide: on one side is the certainty that God exists and, secondly, the reality of an eventful existence, conclusion, the latter, which is based on what they say the modern sciences.

On the one hand a fundamental certainty, on the other hand, the conclusion of a successful science that says that I do not owe nothing to this certainty. How can you give is a relationship between two bases of origin so opposite?. Or, if any, of that class should be, as it would be functional? Is there a common vertex? This is the true modern enigma.

But the conflict is only apparent when it examines in the light of the nature of the universe that tells us that the cosmos begins in chaos in a haphazard manner, but that the original chaos, this is very important, "has no logical or physical force to exist if same",It is not one made self sufficient, all the opposite, is a full quantum disorder who seek and need a competent desordenador of the stature of a God creator, creator of a perfect disorder for that matter.

It will this turn seem curious because always there was talk of a God computer. For its part, says the science that no longer need a computer because the nature is the building through the laws governing the cosmos.

The original chaos is physical in nature, I am referring to the erratic set of subatomic particles that manages quantum physics. This chaos, which initially is necessarily created by a superior being, manages to survive including in the real universe, as a guest with their own rules on outside House.

Although I don't want to lucubrate and risk of erring, in an effort to find explanations to things, understand that God wants to work with Supreme Justice, so choose this path as a means to give chance that anything can emerge and to which emanate from that chaos I, being a random result, is free and does not have dependency towards the middle which has left.

We owe to God, according to this way of explaining, the opportunity to be, since without it we were not, while she we are. We received the award additional freedom, impossible to understand otherwise. Only a God could show thus his omniscience, all your power, your immaculate justice and his infinite goodness.

Freedom that leave in our hands the power to admit or not; accept it as the upper body but no link with us, formula that we see in today's world; or recognize that their intervention in the origin of the universe is enough to suggest our sonship, our gratitude, respect and even love it when we accept that the relationship affects our sensitivity.

We are special beings, we have a specific mechanism for our ability to continuous improvement, talk about reflection, whose operation is explained in the text called "Nature of consciousness", it is in this blog. Through the we understand that we are endowed with the necessary means to aspire to perfection, supported by the presence of God, whose final image the Intuit.

There we learned, too, from the delicate and respectful presence of permanent of God in us, as well as in all things, and how it collaborates with the man. Presence which makes viable our rationality so that there is sufficient reason to consider it essential.

In short, God not us creates but makes our existence possible, and then accompanies us in Act of kindness, without interfering, so that we can achieve the State of reason and freedom which we make to gala in the world.

Is a matter of personal choice level relationship that we decide because the form as we have reached the existence does not bind us, on the contrary, confirms us as free, freedom that we can use even to ignore God
Continue with "New relationship between man and God" in this blog.
