This study is the new way of philosophy designed to understand the universe from physical concepts. The following paragraph is located within the big picture.
In recent times the philosophy suspended the study of the traditional topics. It has influenced this stagnation of philosophy that pure theoretical speculation based in intelligence could not compete with the onslaught of science and their indubitable advances.  In another aspect, the special bond between philosophy, science and religion, the causality, had been reduced to psychological habit and later degraded by the randomness of quantum physics and evolution that found it inadequate to explain the phenomena of subatomic physics and life changes. 
It should add to this the rapid advancement of experimental sciences that has started to give specific information about the evolution of the universe, the emergence of life and perceptual knowledge.
The old criteria that real things were products of mental activity and the idealism based on these criteria fell into obsolescence. The surviving assumptions that some axioms are a constituent part of the brain or inlay in mind face ongoing neurological research discoveries. As an example, at the end of this article I give a clue to understand how develops the principal axiom, that of identity.
It is in this environment that analytic philosophy develops on the basis of the proposals of the natural sciences, logic and language. It Is not as a mode of thought or a philosophical school, but a change in the selected approach that decides to search for the latest truths by means of new methods: no more speculation, no more causality, research is what we need and the purification of the language a requirement The change in the source of the information is radical because classical philosophy was looking for solutions to the problems of the universe and of man in some privileged mind, capable of reflection and abstraction. Analytic philosophy thinks that all the necessary information to find those answers are in the nature that has converted in the ideal medium to obtain new philosophical theories. The change of database or source of information is radical, so that the development of science has become crucial to the solution of the problems of philosophy.
But the traditional philosophical questions remain in force and are demanding answers. They are not resolved by the single change of approach mentioned, they need further new elaborations.
So far the attempts that have been made under cover of analytic philosophy have been debatable perhaps premature in proportion to the inconsistencies of the theories employed. So, a solution that gives the physics to the problem of the existence of God based on quantum physics summarized in voice of Stephen Hawking is guilty of hasty and ends up being superficial because the nature of chaos has not been taken into account. The themes of existence, consciousness and reflection do not evolve satisfactorily towards a solution despite the huge amount of financial and human resources dedicated to research. It's so nobody knows that it is consciousness, apart from partial proposals of limited scope, or what is the relationship of the mind with the brain beyond what psychology has discovered by indirect means, which are based on the interpretation and the tabulation of conduct. There is not a satisfactory answer to the origin of the universe. It is an ancient custom to carry the place of departure to a point of infinite density that makes remembering the habit of the metaphysics of resolving complex issues using incomprehensible concepts.
We keep hoping that researchers us more and better data to solve the mysteries of the universe and man. Meanwhile, you have to work with guidelines and indications that are already on the table watching that you see them isolated from the whole of human knowledge. Lack the philosophical consideration on the discoveries to interlink data with each other. This is one of the goals of this article. -----
The result of this change of position in the sake of the necessary data  for the doing of the philosophy carries to a new branch of philosophy: physicalism which makes its way somewhat haltingly by his constant references to the Science. We may accept that among thinkers, there are few that privilege it. More still, causes many philosophers feel sick  maneuvering physical concepts.
This is an antique dilemma ; we teach philosophy to the  physicists or physics to philosophers
 I must express that this work deepening from conceptual physics complies with the criteria of Einstein who said that as long as a study be in conceptual areas are not necessary math. But it also does so in response to the article by Werner Heisenberg, who enlists the help of philosophy as a way of thinking properly to decipher what that physics has been able to meet, to him you cared greatly quantum puzzles.
